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STEP into OxMed

STEP into OxMed (STudents for Engagement and Participation in Teaching and Outreach, Oxford Medicine), is a student-led group from Oxford University that deliver a host of programmes to help students with medical school applications and general preparedness for a career in medicine.

They understand that many of you will be building your application for medical school and they want to help you have the best preparation.

To help you, they have organised a virtual seminar by Professor Chris Norbury, a molecular biologist who teaches cancer biology and medical genetics to University of Oxford students.

Professor Norbury's talk is titled 'From yeast and frogs to anti-cancer drugs'. In this, Professor Norbury will be exploring the new mechanisms and insights that scientists are using to develop cancer drugs . Definitely not one to miss for those of you interested in research, genetics and cancer! The talk is on Thursday 5th October, 6-7pm.

If you are interested sign up here to let us know that you're coming!

Please join us on the day via this Teams link.

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